A couple of weeks ago in Sunday School, I spoke a group of college students who continue to question how to make God #1, or even just more of a priority, in their day to day lives. WOW! What a great thought. Is there a way to do this? Well... I set out to see if I could be intentional about this matter in my own life. Although I shared my ideas with the group, I am finding the following to be working out pretty good thus far.
So, I am making a push for being "intentional" in most everything I do. This is a great example... I made an "Intentional, personalized, and daily to do list"
1. Write out 3 prayer requests (1 for myself, 2 for two other people)
a. Post them on my bathroom mirror or on the wall beside my bed.
2. Find a scripture verse/passage for at least one of these requests everyday.
a. Consider sharing that verse with the individual
b. Make sure it is in context. Use other aids to help.
3. Intentionally talk to someone about some aspect of Christianity 5 out of the next 7 days
4. Challenge myself daily or weekly
5. Meditate on my purpose (for the day, for my life. Doesn’t matter)
Hopefully this will encourage someone else, as this blog post is completing my #5 for today. I hope you find this helpful and feel free to adapt this list to your personal struggles so that you can make your struggle a strength.
Philippians 3:7 - But whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ (NASB)
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