Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Tough Questions...

I believe our daily lives to be filled with tough questions, such as “Where do we go eat?” and “What time should I get up?”  Until recently, these questions have been daily struggles for me to make decisions on.  But what about those questions that we don’t ask because we may not know the answer?  I’m talking about the God questions: the tough questions for God and about God.  I am embarking on a series of those tough questions because there is a group of about 60 18-25 year olds who need to search for answers.  The majority of these individuals are away from home and at college where they are free to roam (mentally) and formulate their own reality.  I personally would like to see that reality nest in the arms of Christ.  Through prayer, scriptures, and hearing what each person is struggling with, God has led me to these tough questions:

·      Church (the institution, not the body of believers):
o   Why do you go?
o   Why do you go to the particular church / denomination that you do?
o   Why do you believe what you believe?  Just because you have been told to?
o   What makes your way of worship better than another?
o   Why don’t you go somewhere else to worship?
·      Scripture:
o   Why do you read your Bible?  More importantly, why don’t you?  Or is that more important?
o   Why do you read a specific version of the Bible?  Do you know the differences between different versions (NIV vs. NASB)?
o   What strategy do you take to reading the Bible?
o   Do you need to memorize scripture?
o   How often should you read your Bible?
·      Prayer:
o   Why do you pray?  Why don’t you pray? 
o   How often do you pray?  Why?
o   Does prayer work?  If your answer is “no” or “sometimes,” then why not all the time?  Is it our fault when God doesn’t come through?
o   Do you have to get on your knees to show God that you mean business?
o   Why do you keep falling asleep during your prayers at night?
o   Is it best to pray at night or in the morning?
o   Are you supposed to pray silently when someone is praying out loud in a group?
o   Reciting the Lord’s Prayer is good enough, right?
·      God is #1:
o   Why is God not your first priority?
o   Why is it easier to take the Lord’s name in vain before going to Him in prayer?
o   Is it possible to make God your #1 in every situation?  How so?
o   Was the only reason Christ was able to overcome temptation in the desert because He was also fully God?  Can I ever be that strong, or will I always follow the example of Adam and Eve and give in?
o   If God is my #1, then He will heal everyone around me, answer every prayer, and I’ll never struggle reading or understanding the Bible, right?
o   What does having God #1 even mean or look like?

For a starting list, I think this is pretty encompassing of what is going on in my brain right now.  These questions have to be explored prior to one giving up on God, reading the scripture, and praying.  I may be one man trying to tackle these questions from week to week, but I know that through leading and teaching on these tough questions that God has placed on my heart, that at least one person will grow deeper in love with the One who brought us into this world… which is what it’s all about.  

The Challenge

Teaching college-aged Sunday school class is not an easy task.  Sure, I could use the provided curriculum, cover the three points, pray, and go home.  That’s the easy way of doing things. (I’m not saying anything is wrong with the curriculum, but the way the teacher presents the material is what could make or break a lesson).  I remember when I started my college experience in 2005 away from home, my initial thought was that I was going to get into a church, grow on fire for God and be a leader on campus.  Unfortunately my Sunday school teacher was also the church history teacher and I found it difficult to relate to his structure of lesson.  It felt as though I was sitting in class and when I got called on to read, I was going to be getting a bad grade on the way I pronounced the Old Testament names.  Sure, I went regularly and even joined in on a Wednesday night or two along the way, but I grew apart from God during this time. 

I know what you’re thinking… it’s not the Sunday school teachers’ fault that you weren’t growing closer to God.  I agree!!!  But I was blinded to that detail at the time.  I had always relied on my leadership in the church building to guide and direct me.  It took me a couple of years, but by the time I got to my 3rd year in my undergraduate program, I realized that I needed to make a conservative effort to keep my spirituality in check.  Thanks to an amazing Christian roommate, I was able to get through my struggles and turn to God rather than being converted into the drinking / partying college student.  College provides every opportunity in the world to fall away from your beliefs and although I thought about the worldly pleasures I could partake in, I was able to keep focused on the eternal, living God who remains my stronghold. 

Being in a leadership position in the church is not to be taken lightly.  In Paul’s writings to Timothy, he outlines how a leader is to be set apart.  I pray continuously that God change my heart of a daily basis to be a better communicator of His Word.  I personally struggle with presentation style.  I know that the Word speaks for itself, but it is hard to keep focused on a Sunday morning.  It’s called Sunday “school” but that doesn’t mean the material needs to be treated like just another lesson week to week.  The opportunity is here for me to show someone else how exciting God’s Word is and how it can be discussed in a different format than what we are all used to.  Kudos to those who present God’s Word as it is intended to be discussed; with excitement, energy, and enthusiasm.  I long to do the same.  Maybe this is just “meaningless and chasing after the wind,” but in order for me to get others excited about God, I need to be excited about God!!!

I want to be the guy that the incoming college student looks up to and says, “You helped me to keep focused on the eternal reward in the midst of every possible opportunity that Satan brought my way.  I was looking for a leader and I found one in you.  I was looking for direction and you provided it.  I was looking for a man of God, and I found one.  When I needed someone to talk to, you were always there to listen.”  I need to live up to the expectations of God on a daily basis.  I realize that I’ll struggle and will continue to sin, but because of the forgiveness that I have accepted; God has called me and set me apart from the world to fulfill a purpose.  That purpose right now… is to teach, to live, and to be an exemplar for those who are going through what I have already been through. 

Lord… help me, lead me, direct me, set me apart, and shine through me.  Amen. 

Saturday, October 6, 2012

What, what?

"Why Kevin?  Why would you do another blog? Aren't you in over your head already?"  -Words from my wife (when she finds out that I have started another blog...

So, here I am.  Going to be open and breaching the lines of how I share my views with the world.  I have a professional blog, but people may stop following it if I start shouting about Jesus.  So, I am making Jesus His own space, putting Him in the spotlight, and trying to fuse my thoughts with those of the gospel.

I teach sunday school for the College Ministry at Immanuel Baptist Church in Lexington, KY.  After a few meetings this past week, I have been led to do something different.  I'm gonna mix it up, no more sitting around and listening to three points in a sermon.  Stay tuned for fun videos, thoughts, and interesting stuff related to Jesus.  Gonna be about Jesus Things...